The Adventures of
Huckleberry Finn- Research/Literary Analysis Paper
DUE: March 11 for A day classes, March 12 for B
day classes
235 points
Late papers will receive half the credit they would have
otherwise received, and probably half the comments from me.
Please familiarize yourself with this rubric, as your grade
will be derived from it.
Name____________________________________________ Period_____
Date turned in______
1. Title page with name, date,
teacher’s name, title, class, and period
2. Typed, double spaced, 14 font, no spaces
between paragraphs, Times New Roman font.
I can’t accept a paper that is not typed. (Three pages minimum, and of course,
you will be docked far more than ten points if you come up short.)
3. Introduction has an attention-getting
device that is appropriate for this type of scholarly paper.
4. Thesis statement is
well-crafted, thoughtful, and gives the reader a road map of your paper. No laundry list thesis statements. Think “over-arching.”
5. Paper is
well-organized. Topic sentences are
clear, mini-thesis statements for each paragraph. All sentence belong in their paragraphs. Transitions are evident.
6. Sentence structure is sound
and varied.
7. Paper contains few or no
mechanical errors, such as punctuation, spelling, grammar, and usage.
8. Strong conclusion ties all
the information into a nice package.
Your thesis is proven. (No new
information in conclusion.)
A minimum
of three sources
10. This paper has accurate parenthetical
documentation throughout. Refer to:
11. Ideas are fresh and
interesting. Research is obvious. You have not merely written off the top of
your head, rather you have studied and pondered. You have come up with ideas that are sound
and logical.
12. Meaningful quotations are
woven seamlessly into your own sentences.
Set up the quote. If you can
paraphrase, paraphrase. If, however,
the citation you found is oh-so-wonderful as is, by all means, cite it in all
its splendor.