Thursday, August 30, 2018

Argument Paper Rubric 2018/2019

Rubric for your Argument/ Research Paper              Rough Draft due: SEPTEMBER 12, 13


Familiarize yourself with this rubric, as your grade will be derived from it.

Name _________________________________________ Period _____ Date turned in_____________________


1. Paper is typed, 14 font, Times New Roman, doubled spaced, complete  with students=s name, date, teacher=s name, class, period.  There should be no extra spaces between paragraphs.  (I will not accept a paper that is not typed.) THREE PAGES LONG
2.  Introduction has an effective and appropriate attention-getting device and a carefully prepared thesis statement or claim, placed in the position of power, at the end of the first paragraph.
3.  Paper has a logical organization.  All sentences belong in their paragraphs. 
4. Sentence structure is sound and varied.
5. Transitions connect the paragraphs.  The reader is led gently into the next idea without whiplash.
6. Paper contains few or no mechanical errors, such as punctuation, spelling, grammar and usage.
7. Any quotations used are woven seamlessly into the paper, not awkwardly plunked in, as if they have fallen from the sky.
8. Your paper concludes with a thoughtful, enduring understanding that was a logical outgrowth of your research.   Your conclusion should reflect your initial claim, but it should not be a carbon copy.  Don=t announce that you are concluding.  Simply conclude.
9. You have established a rational, objective tone and displayed logical reasoning.  Your paper should address possible counterclaims in a fair manner.
10. Your Work Cited page is absolutely perfect in MLA style.  Refer to to verify.  This page must be precise.  I will be very picky on this.  Be sure to use a variety of credible sources, both print and electronic databases.  (At least three different sources)
11. You have accurate parenthetical documentation throughout the entire paper.  You have followed the guidelines given to you on  You have given credit where credit is due.  You have not plagiarized another=s work.  You have cited your sources accurately.
12. You have included copies of ALL your sources, the actual articles, as well as the publishing information. *****I will not accept a paper without this.*********Please highlight the appropriate sections.  Be sure you use MLA style.
13.  You have included an outline.  This can be informal, even hand-written.
14.  You have attached this form with your own calculations of what grade you think you deserve, filled out in its entirety.
15.  You have read your paper aloud to a family member.

2018/2019 Disclosure

Course Disclosure
Mrs. Loveless
  IB/Honors English 11
Course Objective:
To help you learn to read, write, speak, listen, and think clearly and effectively as you prepare for the ACT, for college, and for a rich literary life.
Course Requirements:
<         Read your assignments carefully.
<         Come prepared to participate in class discussions.
<         Work diligently on your writing.  Never fall in love with your first draft.  Nearly any piece of writing can be improved.
<         Commit yourself to academic integrity. 
<         Attend regularly and punctually.
Supplies and Materials:
<         Pencils and pens with black or dark blue ink only
<         A dedicated spiral notebook for in-class journal writing
<         A dedicated notebook to keep track of assignments, class notes, vocabulary, grammar, literary terms, etc.
<         You will also need to bring your own outside reading book each day.
Davis School District Policies will apply.
<         Be positive and respectful.
<         Be prepared for class.              
<         Use appropriate language while speaking and writing.
<         Absences:  Three or more unexcused absences result in an automatic U.
<         Tardies will have a negative effect on academic grades as well as citizenship.
<         One to two tardies could be an H or an S.  Three could be an N, but four or more is an automatic U. Citizenship grades can be a combination of inappropriate behavior and tardies.
<           Inappropriate cell phone use in class is considered a citizenship matter. Cell phones                                   should be turned off while in the classroom. Texting, calling, or receiving texts or calls may                      result in a U.

            93% A
                90  A-

Late Work:
Work is due on the assigned due date, regardless of whether or not the student was present when the assignment was made or when it came due. I give you a calendar with all major assignments for the term. Late work may be accepted for half credit, if it is submitted within seven calendar days of the original due date. A pink late slip must be filled out completely and stapled to the work. As a teacher, when I am absent, I have to get a substitute. As a student, when you are absent, you will need to get a substitute to take your class notes and to turn in your major assignments. Pick someone on whom you can rely.
Missed Tests:
Missed tests may be made up only if the teacher is notified prior to the test. The student or parent must notify the teacher by email. Tests may be made up on the first day the student returns to school, after school, at SIR, or at the teacher’s convenience. No tests may be made up after that test has been returned to the class. Just like assignments, you have seven calendar days to make up a test or quiz.
Academic Integrity:
Plagiarism and other forms of cheating will result in a loss of both academic and citizenship credit. Cutting and pasting other people’s research from the Internet or other sources without correctly citing sources is also considered to be a form of plagiarism. Lifting phrases, sentences, whole paragraphs, and entire essays is wrong. Parents and administration will be contacted. Both citizenship and academic grades will be impacted.
Hall Passes:
Each student will receive one hall pass per term. If it is returned at the end of the term, the student will receive 20 extra credit points to be added to his/her academic grade.
The following is a list of movies that may be shown in part or in full.  If you object to any of these movies, please notify me within ten days, so that I may find a suitable, alternative activity.
The Crucible, The Scarlet Letter (The Meg Foster version from the 1970's miniseries), A&E Biographies (Edgar Allan Poe, Mark Twain, F. Scott Fitzgerald), Inherit the Wind, Bernice Bobs her Hair, and Disney’s Huckleberry Finn.
I am genuinely excited about teaching this year. I absolutely LOVE this stuff! And I love to share it with my students. I will work for the success of each one of my students. Please feel free to contact me via email.  If you email me with any concerns, and I can usually get back to that same day. My prep periods this year are 3rd and 7th periods. See the bell schedule on the school’s website for exact times.
My blog will have the calendar and important assignments and information:
Please keep this portion for your records and return the following portion to me.

I have read and will support the policies explained in this disclosure statement, including the policy about cell phones, late work, and missed tests.


Student signature____________________________________    Date___________________


Parent signature _____________________________________   Date ___________________


Please print student=s name ____________________________  Period __________________




Students, bring this back to class for points.


I'm the Expert Rubric

AI am the Expert@

Due: On the day established on the calendar

Your oral presentation can be no longer than 3 minutes.  Time yourself before you come to class. 


1.  Show good eye contact with the audience.  Don=t read off your report.  Use a 3X5 card with notes to prompt you.
2.  Sound enthusiastic about your topic.  Don=t drone on and on.  Show that you are excited about your area of expertise.  Speak loudly and clearly.
3.  Demonstration portion should be visually interesting.  Show the audience the steps involved with the process or bring things that represent your area of expertise.
4.  Sound as though you have actually practiced your presentation.  You want a smooth performance without stammering, without Auhs@ and Aums@ and Ayou knows.@
5.  You want to be sure to have prepared enough information.  Remember, you are the expert.  Be sure to study up.  Know your stuff.  Be prepared for any questions that students might have.


Your written report, about two typed pages in length, needs to be turned in just before you give you presentation.  YOU MAY NOT USE IT IN YOUR PRESENTATION. YOU MAY USE 3 x 5 cards. The following includes some suggestions that you may want to use in your report. You will not need to use all of them. I am listing them to help you with some ideas as to the direction of your report. If you produce this form on the day you present, you will get 5 extra credit points, and I don=t even believe in extra credit!


1. Tell how you became involved in your area of expertise.
2.  Include some of the history.
3. What tools and/or equipment are necessary?
4.  Do you have a role model who is involved in this interest?
5.  What steps are involved?


6.  What do you predict as to the future popularity of this interest?
7.  What kinds of skills have you developed as a result of your interest in this hobby that have helped you in other areas of your life?
8.  Do you enjoy helping others learn about it?
9.  How does it make you feel?
10.  Why do you think you are interested in it?
11.  When, where, and with whom do you like to do this?

