Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Argument Paper Rubric

Rubric for your Argument/ Research Paper DUE DATE: SEPTEMBER 20/23, 2013

Familiarize yourself with this rubric, as your grade will be derived from it.

Name _________________________________________ Period _____ Date turned in_____________________
1. Paper is typed, 14 font, Times New Roman, doubled spaced, complete with students’s name, date, teacher’s name, class, period. There should be no extra spaces between paragraphs. ( I will not accept a paper that is not typed.) 10

2. Introduction has an effective and appropriate attention-getting device and a carefully prepared thesis statement or claim, placed in the position of power, at the end of the first paragraph. 40

3. Paper has a logical organization. All sentences belong in their paragraphs. 20

4. Sentence structure is sound and varied. 20

5. Transitions connect the paragraphs. The reader is led gently into the next idea without whiplash. 20

6. Paper contains few or no mechanical errors, such as punctuation, spelling, grammar and usage. 20

7. Any quotations used are woven seamlessly into the paper, not awkwardly plunked in, as if they’ve fallen from the sky . 20

8. Your paper concludes with a thoughtful, enduring understanding that was a logical outgrowth of your research. Your conclusion should reflect your initial claim, but it should not be a carbon copy. Don’t announce that your are concluding. Simply conclude. 20

9. You have established a rational, objective tone and displayed logical reasoning. Your paper should address possible counterclaims in a fair manner. 20

10. Your Work Cited page is absolutely perfect in MLA style. Refer to to verify. This page must be precise. I will be very picky on this. Be sure to use a variety of credible sources, both print and electronic databases. (At least three different sources) 60

11. You have accurate parenthetical documentation throughout the entire paper. You have followed the guidelines given to you on You have given credit where credit is due. You have not plagiarized another’s work. You have cited your sources accurately.

12. You have included copies of ALL your sources, the actual articles, as well as the publishing information. *****I will not accept a paper without this.*********Please highlight the appropriate sections. Be sure you use MLA style. 40

13. You have included an outline. This can be informal, even hand-written. 10

14. You have attached this form with your own calculations of what grade you think you deserve, filled out in its entirety. 10

15. You have read your paper aloud to a family member. 20

Total 400

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