Thursday, August 20, 2015
French 2/3 Disclosure
Prep Periods: 2nd and 6th
COURSE DESCRIPTION: FRENCH SHOULD BE FUN!!! French classes are structured to help students acquire practical communication skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening, with a focus on speaking proficiency. We will focus on “the 5 C’s,” communication, culture, comparing our culture with that of many francophone cultures, community, and making connections.
French II/III: Students will build on the French they learned last year. They will practice and become more comfortable speaking with partners, small groups, and occasionally in front of the whole class. Language structures for narrating in the present, past, and future will be studied. Units will be based on Davis District’s DESK units.
French IV, V, IB, AP: Students will build on the French they learned in previous years. There will be more writing, speaking, listening, and reading in and outside of class, as we prepare for the many year-end tests. Students will be able to use a variety of tenses, more idiomatic expressions, and vocabulary based on thematic units from the AP and Davis District DESK standards.
Students in the second, third or fourth year of foreign language studies will be given the opportunity to take the Bountiful High class concurrently as a Weber State University course and receive college credit. This is a wonderful opportunity, as the cost of $30 covers all the registration fees. Students wishing to sign up for this program will have to decide by the first week in September. In the spring they will be assessed in their writing and their speaking abilities and will be given a grade based on their performance. They also must meet the minimum attendance rate of 90% in order to receive credit. This credit can be transferred to any Utah university and many others as well. Students may earn 3 college credits.
MATERIALS: Pencil, paper, a dedicated spiral notebook, and a small chunky notebook.
GRADING POLICY: A student’s grade for each term will be determined by his/her performance in completing assignments, taking quizzes and tests in reading, writing, listening, speaking, and participating fully in the classroom process through attendance, attitude, and effort. Scores from each category will be averaged together and a letter grade will be assigned according to the following grading scale:
A 93%
A- 90%
B+ 85%
B 83%
B- 80% C+ 75%
C 73%
C- 70% D+ 65%
D 63%
D- 60% F 59 %
and below
Late Work:
Work is due on the assigned due date, even if the student was absent when it was assigned or absent when it was due. Late work may be accepted for half credit if it is submitted within seven calendar days of the original due date. When I am absent, I have to get a substitute. When you are absent, you will need to get a substitute to take your classroom notes and to turn in your assignments. Pick someone on whom you can rely.
Cell phones and other electronic devices should not be seen or heard in the classroom. They will be confiscated if this rule is ignored.
Each student will receive one hall pass per term. If it is returned at the end of the term, the student will receive 20 extra credit points to be added to his/her academic grade.
To me, citizenship is more than merely an absence of obvious bad behavior. A good citizen is punctual, friendly, and helpful. A good citizen will stay in French when asked to. A good citizen listens well and participates in class discussions. Davis School District policies will apply.
1. Respect the teacher and other students.
2. Be prepared for class.
3. Use appropriate language while speaking and writing.
4. Absences: 3 or more unexcused absences result in an automatic U.
5. Citizenship grades can be a combination of inappropriate behavior and tardies.
6. Tardies will have a negative effect on academic grades as well as citizenship. One to two tardies could be an H or an S. Three could be an N, but four or more is an automatic U.
ATTENDANCE POLICY: I believe that regular attendance is the best indicator for success in this class. When you miss a day of French you miss a day of listening and speaking that can’t really be duplicated. Come to class. Even if you don’t feel like it, come to class. If you are genuinely sick, don’t come to class, otherwise, come to class.
CONTACT ME: I feel that it is very important to communicate with parents and students. I am very conscientious about responding to emails and would prefer this method of communication. Logistically, it is very difficult for me to come to the phone, and when I can, I don’t have the necessary information in front of me on the computer. Please email me with any concerns, and I will respond in a timely manner.
I have read, understood, and will support the policies explained in Mrs. Loveless’ disclosure statement.
Student signature____________________________________ Date___________________
Parent signature _____________________________________ Date ___________________
Please print student’s name ____________________________ Period __________________
Bring this back to class for points.
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