“I am the Expert”
Due: On the day established on the calendar
oral presentation should be no longer than 3 minutes. Time yourself before you come to class.
1. Show good eye contact
with the audience. Don’t read off your
report. Use a 3X5 card with notes to
prompt you.
2. Sound enthusiastic about
your topic. Don’t drone on and
on. Show that you are excited about
your area of expertise. Speak loudly
and clearly.
3. Demonstration portion
should be visually interesting. Show
the audience the steps involved with the process or bring things that
represent your area of expertise.
4. Sound as though you have
actually practiced your presentation.
You want a smooth performance without stammering, without “uhs”
and “ums” and “you knows.”
5. You want to be sure to have
prepared enough information. Remember,
you are the expert. Be sure to study
up. Know your stuff. Be prepared for any questions that students
may have
Total Possible Points for Oral
Your written report, about two typed pages in length, needs
to be turned in just before you give you presentation. YOU
YOU MAY use a 3 x 5 card. The following includes some suggestions that
you may want to use in your report. You
will not need to use all of them. I’m
listing them to help you with some ideas as to the direction of your
report. If you produce this form on the
day you present, you will get 5 extra credit points, and I don’t even believe
in extra credit!
1. Tell how you became involved in your area of expertise.
2. Include some of the history.
3. What tools and/or equipment are necessary?
4. Do you have a role model
who is involved in this interest?
5. What steps are involved?
6. What do you predict as to
the future popularity of this interest?
7. What kinds of skills have
you developed as a result of your interest in this hobby that have helped you
in others areas of your life?
8. Do you enjoy helping others
learn about it?
9. How does it make you feel?
10. Why do you think you are
interested in it?
11. When, where, and with whom do you like to
do this?
Total Possible Points for Written Portion
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