Choose any
project or combination of projects to equal 100 points. Turn this paper in with your final project.
10 pts. possible: Each of these
responses should be approximately ½ - ¾ page, typewritten, double-spaced, interesting and fun to read, include details
that help me to see that you read and understood the novel. Few if any grammatical or spelling errors.
______ Discuss
how one of the main characters is like a person you know
______ Pretend you’re Hawthorne
and describe the part that was the most fun or hardest to write. Explain why.
If this assignment goes to a full page and has good details from the
book, it can be worth 15 points.
______ Describe an experience you’ve had
that was like the experience of a character in the book.
______ Write
an obituary for one character (facts from the book - not made up)
15 pts. possible: Each of these
responses should be approximately one page, typewritten, double-spaced, interesting and fun to read, include details
that help me to see that you read and understood the novel. Few if any grammatical or spelling errors.
______ Write
any kind of poem (minimum 16 lines) about your book
______ Explain how a character
in the book changed from the beginning to the end. (If this doesn’t take a full page, it will be
worth 10 points.)
______ With expression, read a
passage from the novel aloud to the class and play some appropriate music in
the background. Explain why your choice
of music fits that passage. (4-5 minutes. Present
______ Make a crossword puzzle
(NOT a word search) from your book. At
least 20 words/clues. This should also
include a typed answer key or a second filled in crossword that serves as key.
______ Do a collage of a major
events of the novel or one that illustrates certain parts of the novel. On the back, include an explanation of the
choices you made. This should be
thoughtful and attractive.
25 pts. possible. Each of these responses should be
approximately two pages, typewritten, double-spaced,interesting and fun to
read, include details that help me to see that you read and understood the
novel. Few if any grammatical or
spelling errors. Scrapbook or timeline
will be graded on applicability to the novel, neatness, creativity,
______ Write a review of the
novel wherein you try to get someone else to read it.
______ Tell what you think
happened before the story began. These
ideas should lead up to the novel’s beginning
______ Write another part of
the story where you describe what happened to the main character after the end.
______ Write a different
(better?) Ending for the story.
______ Write two articles for a
newspaper published at the time of a major event in your book. The articles should be about events from the
______ Write several diary
entries made by one of the major characters.
(These should include events from the novel.) If you prefer, you may tell one of two events
from several different characters’ perspectives.
______ What problems did the
major characters have and how did they solve them?
______ Write a test to cover
the book. It should include various
types of question and should total at least 100 points. An answer key should be included. You do not need to write out an essay if an
essay question is part of it, but you should tell what major points the essay
should include.
______ Pretend you are a
character in the novel and describe the other characters and what you think of
each of them. Explain why.
______ Make a scrapbook of
pictures of the main characters and events from the novel. You could cut out pictures of people, places,
etc. that you think look like the
characters, events, settings in the book.
Or you could collect magazine and newspaper articles that connect to the
novel. This should contain a minimum of
five pages, and each should have a brief explanation of the pictures chosen.
______ Create an illustrated
time line of the novel. All major
characters and events should be included.
40 pts. possible. These projects should be creative, visually
attractive, detailed, and clearly connected to the novel. They should contain abundant evidence of
time and effort.
______ Draw a color map of
where the story takes place. Label the
major landmarks or points of interest.
Also include a key that explains what happens in each location. This should include all the major events and
characters from the novel. (Show at
least 20 events/people – you can list more than one event for a location.)
______ Make a video tape about
part of the book. (At least 10 minutes
of video.) This could be acting out part
of the book or presenting a history behind the writing of the novel. (Should be fact-based, not made up)
______ Create a beautiful
embroidered letter. It does not have to
be the letter A, but it should be in the style Hester would sew. Include a one page journal entry about your
process and how this project connected you to the character of Hester.
______ Create at least three
pieces of art related to the novel. Each
piece of art should contain a brief “statement of intent” explaining how it relates to the book and what the art is
attempting to reveal. (Artistic ability
is important for this one.)
______ Create a board game
based on the book. It must review major
character, places, and events from the novel.
Should have at least 25 questions or question cards.
______ Create a comic book with
at least 15 frames to tell the story of the novel. All major events and characters should be
______ Create a 50-word
vocabulary list for the novel, including a minimum of two vocabulary words from
each chapter. Include the page you found
the word on, the sentence (or part of a sentence) the word was in (correctly
parenthetically referenced), and a definition of the word, including the part
of speech. Then create a vocabulary test
based on your list. Provide the key for
the test.
100 pts. possible. This project should be something I could
give a student teacher and he/she would have almost everything s/he
needed to teach the novel successfully.
______ Created a unit plan for
teaching The Scarlet Letter to a high
school English class. Think of how you
could make this interesting for the students.
Everything needed to teach this novel should be included:
4-5 pre-reading questions
(things to get students thinking about the themes, etc. in the novel before
they start), background information,
discussion questions (3-4) for at least three class discussions, 3 writing/journal assignments, quizzes (one
1/3 way through; one 2/3 way through), final exam, and two activities that
would add interest and make the novel fun to study.
Credit: You cannot get more than 100
points on this assignment, but if you do more than the amount required, you
could get some back-up points that will cover you if you should lose a few
points on one of the sections here and there and help guarantee than you get
the full 100 points.
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