Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Poetic Terms

Matching Poetry Terms Name _________________ Period____

_____1. Metonymy

_____2. Metaphor

_____3. Aporia

_____4. Symbol

_____5. Onomatopoeia

_____6. Epanalepsis

_____7. Alliteration

_____8. Assonance

_____9. Personification

_____10. Meiosis

_____11. Imagery

_____12. Cacophony

_____13. Euphony

_____14. Consonance

_____15. Paranomasia

_____16. Hyperbole

_____17. Paraprosdokian

_____18. Simile

_____19. Allusion

_____20. Apostrophe

_____21. Epizeuxis

_____22. Rhyme

_____23. Rhythm
_____24. Connotation

_____25. Denotation
_____26. Structure

A. The end of the words sound the same.

B. The beat, the pattern of sounds

C. Name dropping, referring to something, someone from life or literature

D. Lyrical language, lots of l’s and r’s

E. Surprise ending

F. Repetition of the internal consonant sound

G. Repetition of one word

H. Play on words, a pun

I. A direct address

J. Comparing two unlike things, using like or as

K. Lots of harsh consonant sounds

L. Pertaining to the five senses

M. An understatement

N. An inanimate object or idea takes on human characteristics.

O. Repetition of the internal vowel sound

P. Repetition of the initial consonant sound

Q. Bookend repetition

R. The word says the sound it makes

S. Something represents something more important than itself

T. When you don’t know where do begin, where to end, what to say

U. Comparison of two unlike things without using like or as

the substitution of the name of an attribute or adjunct for that of the thing meant, for example suit for business executive, or the track for horse racing.

W. Exaggeration

X. The personal or emotional associations called up by a word that goes beyond its dictionary meaning

Y. The dictionary meaning of a word

Z. The form or design of a literary work

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